Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dear Ego: I Just Can't Quit You. Love, Mandy.

Here's a meditation on my enormous ego. Just kidding. It's more of a medium-sized ego. Or is that egotistical of me to say? Buddhists have a lot to say about the ego, or Self, and some folks freak out over the concept of No Self. Here are my thoughts on Self and No Self. And also some thoughts on how socially awkward I am when I see my therapist in public. It's amazing I'm allowed out in public at all.

Monday, August 13, 2012

A Little Something About Big Emotions

Do forgive the paucity of posts. I scrounged around and found an old draft I'd never posted on my Buddha Mama Sans Drama blog. Wrote it a couple of months ago and it felt too raw at the time to share.

I've been writing but not posting a lot lately. Probably means what I'm writing is pretty damned close to my heart. I'll eventually post them as I feel a little less tender and less vulnerable. So here is one now, close to my heart but not quite so close in proximity.